The House of Representatives approved an amendment to allow military service members to use CBD products. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard(D-HI) sponsored the amendment. It stipulates that the “Secretary of Defense may not prohibit based on a product containing hemp or any ingredient derived from hemp the possession, use, or consumption of such product by a member of the Armed Forces” as long as the crop meets the federal definition of hemp and that ”such possession, use, or consumption is in compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local law.”
The new amendment is fantastic news for our veterans. Everyday stories emerge about how CBD has helped Veterans overcome PTSD and other illnesses. Hemp-based CBD has helped so many Veterans with the mental and physical issues endured through serving our country. One study suggests that 25% of all veterans have a service-related disability. In 2017 veterans have accounted for 23% of those who have died by suicide. Doug Distaso from the Veterans Cannabis Project said," The number of veterans (dying from) suicide and suffering opioid addiction and prescription pill overdoses are a national disgrace." According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health, 9.1% of veterans experience severe pain regularly as appose to only 6.4% of civilians. Unfortunately, their use of medical cannabis is not something the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) has not been keen on because cannabis is still listed as a Schedule 1 drug. So, this new amendment is opening the CBD world to veterans and military service members.
Veterans commonly use CBD to enhance sleep and reduce anxiety caused by PTSD. Other applications are for pain management, stress reduction, headaches, and helping to reduce the use of opioids. In 2019 the VA funded a $1.3 million research project. The project is led by Mallory Loflin, Ph.D., a VA research scientist and assistant professor at the University of San Diego. Hopefully, this study will show how CBD can help our veterans! CBD Wild Leaf offers a 25% off coupon to all veterans use Code: VET25 at checkout.