Where does it come from? Does it matter?

Yes, It does matter where the CBD Oil comes from! CBD Oil is extracted from low-resin industrial hemp, fiber hemp, flowers, and cannabis plants high in CBD. Industrial hemp typically contains far less cannabidiol than high-resin CBD-rich cannabis flower tops. Massive amounts of industrial hemp are required to extract a small amount of CBD containing all the medicinal cannabidiol.

Plant breeders are currently focusing on developing high-resin cannabis varietals. Colorado is known for its robust hemp program due to its agricultural program. Other states that have good agricultural programs are Oregon and Kentucky, but other states have been developing their agricultural programs since the passing of the Farm Bill. CBD Wild Leaf uses only the finest quality CBD extracted from the flowers & leaves high in cannabidiol by the CO2 extraction method, which removes the THC and captures all the CBD. CO2 extraction is the best method to extract pure CBD isolate, in which state it exists as a clear/white crystal. This method is preferred over other methods because it leaves practically zero chemical contaminants in the end product. If CBD is purchased from outside the USA has been known to include chemicals that could be considered harmful, including pesticides! They are not subject to any state and federal testing. Also, many Asian countries like China (where a significant % of CBD products are made) have questionable testing practices and regulations, leading to products containing unhealthy substances such as pesticides.